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(Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Pragya Das 教授)を開催しました。
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay からLABO to LABO 事業で埼玉大学万博体育manbetx3.0_万博体育APP官方网 &に招聘中の Pragya Das 教授
に、「Nuclear radiations: Hazardous and valuable」のテーマでお話しいただきました。
万博体育manbetx3.0_万博体育APP官方网 &1年生を中心とした学生に向けて、放射線にまつわる、物理?化学?生物?環境にわたる広範な話題をお話しいただきました。以下概要です。
Penetrating radiations and particles cause health hazards. Nuclear disasters have happened in the past, starting from radiation leaks in small laboratories to large-scale explosions of atomic bombs leaving behind the trails for many decades. The threat of nuclear weapon capable of destroying the entire humankind looms around the world in modern days. Apart from the downside, the advent of technological developments has allowed us to understand how valuable nuclear radiations can be. On the one side, we have cancer-causing effects of radioactivity which, on the other hand, is increasingly becoming a useful tool in eliminating cancerous cells. Finding a right measure is finally the key - how effectively we can utilize something for health benefits, which has the potential for destruction also.
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