モロッコ教育関係公式代表団が山口学長を訪問“Courtesy Visit to SU President by Morocco Educational Official Delegation”
1月31日(火)、ムハンマド5世大学の学長ら4名のモロッコ教育関係公式代表団が、山口宏樹学長を表敬訪問しました。一行は、山口学長、中林副学長(国際担当)、市橋教養学部長、柳澤経済学部長、鈴木万博体育manbetx3.0_万博体育APP官方网 &長、堀尾理工学研究科長と懇談し、今後の学術及び学生交流の可能性について、意見交換を行いました。
On January 31st 2017, Morocco educational official delegation (Prof. Said Amzazi, President of the Mohammed V University –Rabat, Prof. Driss Ouazar, Director of the National School of Mines-Rabat, and Prof. Mimoun Chourak, Representative of Mohammed First University –Oujda) made a courtesy visit to Dr. Hiroki Yamaguchi, President of SU.Then, they actively exchanged views on the future collaboration with President Yamaguchi, Dr. Nakabayashi, Vice president for International Affairs, Dean Ichihashi, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Dean Yanagisawa, Faculty of Economics, Dean Suzuki, Faculty of Science and Dean Horio, Graduate School of Science and Engineering.
中央 山口学長、Amzaziムハンマド5世大学学長
President Yamaguchi and President Amzazi, Mohammed V University –Rabat (in the middle)