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  • エスリンゲン工科大学学長が山口学長を訪問“Courtesy Call to SU President by President of Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany”

エスリンゲン工科大学学長が山口学長を訪問“Courtesy Call to SU President by President of Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany”


9月30日(金)、本学の大学間交流協定校であるエスリンゲン工科大学(ドイツ)のChristian Maercker学長 が山口学長を表敬訪問しました。本学からは、重原工学部長、理工学研究科水野教授、同久野教授が同席し、2002年7月の交流協定締結以来、エスリンゲン工大から30名以上の交換留学生を本学が受け入れていることに謝辞が述べられ、今後の交流活動についても意見交換が行われました。


On September 30th 2016, Dr. Christian Maercker, President of Hochschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany (hereafter, Hochschule Esslingen) made a courtesy visit to Dr. Hiroki Yamaguchi, President of SU. Dean Shigehara, Faculty of Engineering, attended together with Professors Mizuno and Kuno, Graduate School of Science and Engineering.

Dr. Maercker expressed his gratitude to SU for accepting more than 30 exchange students from Hochschule Esslingen since the conclusion of academic and student exchange agreements with SU in July 2002. Then they actively exchanged views on the future collaboration.

After a courtesy visit, Dr. Maercker visited some laboratories of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering. Faculties introduced Dr. Maercker on their cutting-edge research facilities, including skill tradition and brain function measurement. Dr. Maercker also experienced a test ride on a driving simulator.

左から、久野教授、重原教授、山口学長、Maercker学長、水野教授、平山国際室長From left: Prof. Kuno, Dean Shigehara, Dr. Yamaguchi, Dr. Maercker

ドライビングシミュレータを用いた実験の被験者を体験するMaercker学長Dr. Maercker experiencing a test ride on a driving simulator

