Stacey Vye

Stacey joined the Saitama University Center for English Education and Development (CEED) in 2008. She has been told numerous times by people of various cultures, faiths, and backgrounds that she is a genuine people-person. Her research and classroom practices are influenced by English as a second or other language, early childhood education, socio-political and economic equality, and language gains through empowerment, tutorials, and literacy. Her research interests include how it is never wrong to be oneself, have compassion for others, reflection, and how learner and teacher autonomy contribute to refreshing ways of learning.
Contact Details:
Office Hours: In principle on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3pm to 5pm, by appointment, and/or when the lights are on in her office.
Tel: 048-858-9244 (in Japan) or +82-48-858-9244 (International)
Course Website:
Joint & Single Authored Papers Available Online:
Advising Practices: A Survey of Self-Access Learner Motivations and Preferences
The Road Less Traveled: LD-Sig Roundtable Reflections
Diversified Use of a Self-access Center
Reflections on Nakasendo /LD-SIG Multi-session Workshop on Self-assessment
Self-reflection for Teacher Autonomy: What's in It for Us and Why Do We Give
Autonomy Facilitators Speak Out!
Exploring Critical Moments of Change in Our Learning and Teaching Lives
Learner Development Forum: Empowering Learners for Class and Beyond
We Don't Know Why Our Learners are Autonomous